Past Workshop Descriptions

Documentary Film Editing

The editor plays a key role in the creation of a documentary. Learn how to wield that power wisely in this intensive lecture based course with an industry professional. Topics covered include how to organize your footage, paper edit and structure a story line without being intimidated by large volumes of material. Learn how to use the tools of editing to shape the visual and thematic flow of the film, and balance interviews and visual content. Technical tips to prepare a documentary for broadcast or film festivals will also be covered. Students are encouraged to discuss their own projects during the workshop.

While, participants should understand non-linear editing software basics, editing software will not be discussed in-depth during this workshop. This workshop is recommended as a companion to Documentary Film Writing, The Art of the Interview, Producing Documentary Film, Visual Research for Documentaries and Directing Documentary Film workshops.​

Prior to the class, please create a profile on Zoom and download the free version of the application. You will receive an email from LIFT with an invitation link to join the workshop one hour before the class begins which will prompt you to open the application or web browser. Please ensure that you log in using a Zoom account with a profile name that appears as the same name registered for the class. If not, for security reasons, you may not be permitted to join. During the workshop, we advise that you keep your microphone on mute to minimize external noise and that you unmute when participating in class discussions. Please also arrive to the session on time for attendance and class participation. ONLINE workshops may be recorded for staff and facilitator assessment. Recorded material will not be made available to participants. Review all workshop policies before registering.

Past Instructor: Tina Hahn
Category: Post-Production
Maximum Capacity: 15
6 hours of instruction in 2 parts$100 /member$125 /nonmember

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