Past Workshop Descriptions

DSLR Cameras for Video

DSLR continues to democratize filmmaking with low cost and high quality images. Bring your own camera to explore the possibilities of DSLR video. This workshop focuses on incorporating DSLR footage into your film and/or digital projects. Technical, creative and logistical questions will be addressed as well as the practicality and efficiency of accessories such as an external monitor, matte box and follow focus. Also up for discussion will be strategies for managing iris settings and shutter speeds—and what to do if you also want to shoot stills.

The Camera Theory workshop or equivalent experience is required as a prerequisite to this workshop. 

Please note that a workshop does not substitute the need for LIFT members to perform a proficiency test in order to rent particular LIFT equipment and/or facilities from our Technical Department.

For ONLINE WORKSHOPS, prior to the class, please create a profile on Zoom and download the free version of the application at

You will receive an email from LIFT with an invitation link to join the workshop one hour before the class begins which will prompt you to open the application or web browser. After this, the instructor will admit you into the call.

Please ensure that you log in using a Zoom account with a profile name that appears as the same name registered for the class. If not, for security reasons, you may not be permitted to join. During the workshop, we advise that you keep your microphone on mute to minimize external noise and that you unmute when participating in class discussions. Please also arrive to the session on time so the instructor can admit you before the lesson begins.

Past Instructor: James Buffin
Category: Cameras
Maximum Capacity: 15
6 hours of instruction in 2 parts$100 /member$125 /nonmember

Wait List
Add your name and email to the wait list and we will contact you if a spot is available, or a session is added: