Past Workshop Descriptions

VFX On Set: Workflow and Supervision Practices

NOTE: It is recommended that participants wear a mask for all in-person workshops.

Visual effects (VFX) involves a collaborative process between Filmmakers, and VFX Supervisors to seamlessly integrate computer-generated imagery (CGI) with live-action footage. This one-day workshop is designed to give an overview of the workflow from prep through to post, with a focus on the "on set" protocols and responsibilities of the VFX department. New to VFX or have a background? Participants will learn the tools and methodologies used, and explore how filmmakers can incorporate VFX into big or small budget projects. Learn the different techniques of photography, how to shoot elements, keys to strong data organization, and discuss the best practices for your next project.

1. Preparation: Breaking down the Script
2. Collaboration: Working with department heads and creatives 
3. Shooting and Methodology: Finding the best approach
4. Gear & Software: What tools you need to get the job done
5. Workflow and how to organize your Data
6. Photography and the Different Types: Photogrammetry / HDRI / Reference / Tilling / Lens Mapping
7. Scanning / Lidar / Modelling Assets / 3D
8. Pre Production / Production / Post: How it all works

The Introduction to Independent Filmmaking workshop is strongly recommended as a prerequisite. This workshop is recommended as a companion to the Short Film Writing, Advanced Script Studio, Directing Dramatic Film, Visual Metaphor and the Expressive Directing Techniques​ workshops.

Past Instructor: Jesse Kawzenuk
Location: In Person
Category: Production
Maximum Capacity: 12
6 hours of instruction $125 /member$150 /nonmember

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