Past Workshop Descriptions

Cinematography Fundamentals - Private Customized

NOTE: This in person workshop REQUIRES all participants to wear a mask in order to attend. Please DO NOT register if you are unable to wear a mask.

The cinematographer is responsible for all the visual elements of a film. They make every creative choice related to composition, lighting, and camera motion—anything that audiences can see in a given shot. Whether you are interested in directing or shooting, this lecture-based class will give you a solid understanding of the elements of cinematography. Topics include: the cinematographer's role in pre-production, production, and post-production, film and digital formats, focus and depth of field, natural and practical lighting, shooting for editing.

The Camera Theory workshop is required as a prerequisite to this class. This workshop is recommended as a companion to the Lighting Fundamentals and Creative Lighting workshops.​

Please note that a workshop does not substitute the need for LIFT members to perform a proficiency test in order to rent particular LIFT equipment and/or facilities from our Technical Department. This includes our Sony F3 Camera Package.

Category: Private Customized Workshops
Maximum Capacity: 12
6 hours of instruction $0 or PWYC donation

Wait List
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