Past Workshop Descriptions

Making Content Findable - FREE workshop!

This workshop will share key information on how to make artist and art organization content findable online. The workshop is geared to content creators and arts administrators. It will include a non technical overview of keyword research and planning, how to make your website more findable and where social media fits in. It will also touch on the role of images, video and voice.
There will be a particular focus on reaching new artists and audiences with disabilities. The workshop will include tips to support the inclusion of people with different disabilities by integrating proven accessibility best practices into SEO. There will be an ASL interpretor in the session. Finally this presentation will include a look at the future. What impact will technologies such as artificial intelligence, data lakes and  Internet of Things have? How can we as artists and art organizations prepare ourselves?
Presenting the workshop will be digital content creator and documentary filmmaker Althea Manasan, accessibility consultant Sage Lovell of Deaf Spectrum and digital strategist and animator Barb Taylor. This research and workshop has been funded by the Canada Council for the Arts.
There will be disability accommodations for this workshop. 

Past Instructors: Barb Taylor, Althea Manasan, Christine Karcza & Sage Lovell
Category: Producing
Maximum Capacity: 30
3 hours of instruction $0 or PWYC donation

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