
Displayed here is a partial list of LIFT programming and co-presentations going back to 2004. Entries are sorted by date, with the most recent first. The sub-menu provides a quick view of each program offered by LIFT and our calls for submissions.


LIFT announces Vancouver Filmmaker Alex MacKenzie

Friday 31 May 2013 –

 LIFT ANNOUNCES VANCOUVER-BASED FILMMAKER ALEX MACKENZIE   LIFT ANNOUNCES VANCOUVER-BASED FILMMAKER ALEX MACKENZIE Toronto, April 30, 2013—The Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT) announces that Vancouver-based filmmaker Alex MacKenzie will be coming to Toronto to present his most recent film performance and teach”… more

LIFT co-presents Mixed-Shorts: Local Heroes program at Inside Out

Thursday 30 May 2013 –

LIFT co-presents at the 2013 Inside Out Toronto LGBT Film Festival.Inside Out’’s annual sold-out celebration of the homo heroes of Hogtown features an eclectic and entertaining mix of emerging and established talent that exemplifies why Toronto the Good remains great when it comes to queer art. LIFT co-presents at the 2013 Inside Out Toronto LGBT F”… more

Expanded Cinema workshop with Alex MacKenzie

Sunday 2 June 2013 –

  Expanded Cinema:Apparatus and MethodologyWorkshop with Alex MacKenzie Enrolment limit: 10 Pre-registration is required.Register by phone with a credit card (416.588.6444) or in person with cash/debit/credit at LIFT during office hours (Monday – Friday, 10am – 6pm).    Expanded Cinema:Apparatus and MethodologyWor”… more

Handmade Emulsion workshop with Alex MacKenzie

Saturday 1 June 2013 –

  Handmade Emulsion: Creating Black and White Film Stock From ScratchWorkshop with Alex MacKenzie Enrolment limit: 5 Pre-registration is required.Register by phone with a credit card (416.588.6444) or in person with cash/debit/credit at LIFT during office hours (Monday – Friday, 10am – 6pm).    Handmade Emulsion:”… more

LIFT and Pleasure Dome co-presents “Intertidal” by Alex MacKenzie

Friday 31 May 2013 –

  The Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT) and Pleasure Domeare pleased to co-present    The Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT) and Pleasure Domeare pleased to co-present Intertidal: A Film Performance by Alex MacKenzieIn attendance from VancouverPleasure Dome and LIFT are pleased to pre”… more

“Decolonial Aesthetics From The Americas” – NRATI

Saturday 27 April 2013 –

  In conjunction with an upcoming symposium this fall entitled Decolonial Aesthetics From The Americas, a multidisciplinary and collaborative symposium for artists and scholars of the Americas and the Caribbean, this salon will feature texts related to the general framework of the symposium, as selected by the symposium organizers e-fagia”… more

LIFT co-presents “Fighting Cuts” program at Mayworks

Tuesday 7 May 2013 –

  LIFT co-presents the Fighting Cuts programat the 2013 Mayworks Festival of Working People and the Arts Mayworks Festival presents a joint screening of two documentaries that honour artists, activists, and the working poor who oppose government cuts.    LIFT co-presents the Fighting Cuts programat the 2013 Mayworks Fe”… more

LIFT co-presents “Softening” at Hot Docs

Saturday 27 April 2013 –

 LIFT co-presents Softeningat the 2013 Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival  LIFT co-presents Softeningat the 2013 Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary FestivalFeature film, SofteningDir. Kelly O’Brien Screening with short, Just As I RememberDir. Andrew Moir Saturday April 27 @ 7:30 PM, TIFF Bell Lightbox”… more

LIFT OUT LOUD: Call for Feature Length Scripts for June Reading

Wednesday 17 April 2013 –

 LIFT’s popular screenplay reading series LIFT OUT LOUD is currently looking for feature length screenplays for our LIFT OUT LOUD reading in June 2013.  LIFT’s popular screenplay reading series LIFT OUT LOUD is currently looking for feature length screenplays for our LIFT OUT LOUD reading in June 2013. Please submit them as either a”… more

LIFT co-presents MADE IN CANADA Panel at ReelWorld Film Festival

Friday 12 April 2013 –

 MADE IN CANADA: ENGAGE AUDIENCES, FUNDERS AND INVESTORS    MADE IN CANADA: ENGAGE AUDIENCES, FUNDERS AND INVESTORS  Industry panel at the 2013 ReelWorld Film Festival Made in Canada, the documentary, is witness that in order to grow the industry, we need to do better at audience engagement. In today’s fragmented viewing landsca”… more