Updates on LIFT Operations – March 2021 (Addendum)

*** ADDENDUM—April 21, 2021
All online purchases from the LIFT Store will be suspended until Thursday May 20, due to the Provincial Emergency and Stay-at-Home Order extended on Friday April 16.
We will revisit our options after May 20, 2021 to see when LIFT Store online purchases and/or curbside pick-up will be available again.
*** ADDENDUM—April 9, 2021
Curbside pick-up for the LIFT Store will be suspended until early May, due to the Provincial Emergency and Stay-at-Home Order announced on Wednesday April 7.
We will revisit our options after May 6, 2021 to see when curbside pick-up will be available again.
March 22, 2021
Dear Members and Community,
Currently the City of Toronto remains in the grey-lockdown part of the Province of Ontario’s COVID-19 reopening framework, however the Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto will continue to be operating at reduced capacity through the final week of March and all of April.
1. Production equipment rental access and post-production facilities will remain closed through to at least the end of April.
2. As of Thursday, April 1, 2021, the LIFT Store will reopen for limited curbside pick-up every Thursday by APPOINTMENT ONLY.*** In keeping with COVI9-19 safety protocols, masks must be worn when coming to pick-up your order. No drop-ins will be serviced.
As of April 1, non-members may select the curbside pick-up option in the online store. The Technical Department will follow up to book a pick-up time slot. Current individual members who want the members discount should contact the Technical Department directly by email at tech@lift.on.ca to place their orders and book their curbside pick-up time slots. Stock may be limited due to shipping delays.
Details: https://lift.ca/store
3. Registration for the final weeks of the Winter 2021 season of our online filmmaking workshops will continue. No workshops are held on LIFT’s premises.
Details: https://lift.ca/workshop-registration
4. General Level memberships can still be purchased online. Upgrading to Production Level and all other levels of memberships are still on hold. At the end of April, we will revisit plans for re-opening membership upgrades and rentals.
Details: https://lift.ca/lift-membership
For any other additional matters, staff can be reached via email only as they are working from home and not available for phone calls:
For more information about COVID-19, please visit https://covid-19.ontario.ca
Chris Kennedy
Executive Director