LIFT Hosts Profuz Digital – Media Accessibility, Creative Captioning and Subtitling with SubtitleNEXT

Toronto, July 10, 2020—The Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT) is pleased to host an online demonstration with Profuz Digital and their program SubtitleNEXT. Accessibility in film is fast becoming an essential part of the creative workflow. Captions and subtitles can no longer be considered an after-thought. That’s why LIFT is bringing an online product demonstration for SubtitleNEXT software.
Media Accessibility, Creative Captioning and Subtitling with SubtitleNEXT
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
4:00pm to 5:00pm EST
FREE registration
There will be ASL interpretation provided during this online demonstration
Register here by Tuesday, August 4 via Zoom.
SubtitleNEXT is a professional multipurpose software by Profuz Digital for creation and live streaming of closed captions, subtitles, and dubs, and audiovisual localization.
SubtitleNEXT will be available in the LIFT’s Digital Editing Suite for Production Members once we have reopened rentals of the post-production facility.
The demonstration will be centred around digital media accessibility requirements, how to create accessible media, the accessibility features of SubtitleNEXT itself, and how to include creative captions and subtitles in the filmmaking process. Following the presentation we’ll have time for questions and a brief conversation about the software.
Facilitated by Kamen Ferdinandov, who is the Chief Technology Officer and Managing Partner of Profuz Digital. Kamen is responsible for building PlayBox’s Channel in a Box, Profuz LAPIS and SubtitleNEXT.
Any questions about this event can be directed to Development Coordinator Cayley James at
This demonstration is supported out of LIFT’s operational revenue. Anyone wishing to support our programs can donate through CanadaHelps.
About Profuz Digital
Profuz Digital is a boutique software development company with headquarters in Toronto, Canada. We are a truly global company with a global mindset. We create powerful software solutions for organizing workflows and contents. Our portfolio includes Profuz LAPIS, SubtitleNEXT, and NEXT-TT. Profuz Digital products fulfill your organization’s needs for translation, subtitling, all timed-text services, data processing, media processing, content management, business and process automation, device control, and systems integration. We provide solutions to companies from industries, such as production and post-production, entertainment, digital marketing, outsourcing, health, education, broadcasting, and manufacturing. We are curious. We are ambitious. And we excel where others fail.
About the Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT)
LIFT is an artist-run charitable organization dedicated to facilitating excellence in the moving image through media arts education and production resources. LIFT exists to provide support and encouragement for independent filmmakers and artists through affordable access to production, post-production and exhibition equipment; professional and creative development; workshops and courses; commissioning and exhibitions; artist-residencies; and a variety of other services. Founded in 1981 by a small collective, LIFT has since grown to become one of the foremost centres of its kind globally.