Workshop Registration

Arri SRII 16mm and Aaton XTR Prod Super 16mm Cameras

NOTE: It is recommended that participants wear a mask for all in-person workshops.

In this workshop learn LIFT's Arri SRII 16mm and Aaton XTR Prod Super 16mm film cameras. These 16mm cameras offer beautiful images without the bulk and expense of shooting with 35mm. In this one evening workshop students will screen examples shot with these cameras, discuss the different aspect ratios, range of latitude. depth of field and dynamic exposure of 16mm filmmaking. Learn the many features and accessories such as the mags, follow focus, lenses, matte boxes and how to operate these 16mm and Super 16mm capable cameras in this intensive workshop.

The Camera Theory workshop or equivalent is required as a prerequisite to this workshop. This workshop is recommended as a companion to the Super 8 Filmmaking, Bolex 16mm Cameras, Introduction to Regular/Double 8mm Filmmaking, Hand Processing Black and White Film, and Hand Processing Colour Film workshops.​

part 1: Tue 9 July 2024, 6 - 10 pm   
part 2: Thu 11 July 2024, 6 - 10 pm   
(Registration deadline is Tue 9 July 5:00 pm)

Instructor: Robin Riad

Robin Riad is an Egyptian-Canadian Toronto-based experimental filmmaker, animator and artist. Robin works primarily with analog mediums, specifically 16mm, Super8, and Regular 8mm film. She experiments with different modes of processing and direct animation for her films. An avid filmmaker, she devotes her time to organisations such as the Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre, as well as film festivals such as Toronto Arab Film and the8fest Small-Gauge Film Festival. As one of the technicians at the Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT), she supports many artists and independent filmmakers with their arts practice. 

Location: 1137 Dupont Street
Category: Cameras
Maximum Capacity: 8
8 hours of instruction in 2 parts$150 /member$175 /nonmember
Registration opens
Tue 21 May at 10am