Workshop Registration

Cinematography Fundamentals

NOTE: It is recommended that participants wear a mask for all in-person workshops.

The cinematographer is responsible for all the visual elements of a film. They make every creative choice related to composition, lighting, and camera motion—anything that audiences can see in a given shot. Whether you are interested in directing or shooting, this lecture-based class will give you a solid understanding of the elements of cinematography. Topics include: the cinematographer's role in pre-production, production, and post-production, film and digital formats, focus and depth of field, natural and practical lighting, shooting for editing.

The Camera Theory workshop is required as a prerequisite to this class. This workshop is recommended as a companion to the Lighting Fundamentals and Creative Lighting workshops.​

Please note that a workshop does not substitute the need for LIFT members to perform a proficiency test in order to rent particular LIFT equipment and/or facilities from our Technical Department. This includes our Sony F3 Camera Package.

Sat 22 June 2024, 10 am - 6 pm   
(Registration deadline is Fri 21 June 5:00 pm)

Instructor: Raymond Tuquero

Camera Operator since 2005 and Cinematographer since 2009, Raymond Tuquero's freelance journey has hit many different aspects in the industry from corporate, commercial, live event, documentary and educational projects. Today, as a Cinematographer, Raymond navigates and leads teams through projects such as web series, indie short films, commercials and documentaries. With a student mindset always ready, Raymond takes all of his learnings and also enjoys sharing his experiences and industry knowledge with fellow industry colleagues. Whether a person is just starting out or working on their retirement, we grow and learn together to make this industry strive.

Location: 1137 Dupont Street
Category: Production
Maximum Capacity: 12
8 hours of instruction $150 /member$175 /nonmember
Registration opens
Tue 21 May at 10am