Screenings and Exhibitions

LIFT presents occasional screenings and exhibitions of work in Toronto and beyond. We also regularly co-present screenings and exhibitions with other organizations to support an engaged and rigorous media-arts ecology. We can assist hundreds of films each year but without venues and distributors to help them reach the public this work doesn’t have the life it deserves. We our fortunate to live in a city with over 100 film festivals each year, numerous year round programmers and dozens of galleries showing media arts.
For inquiries regarding presentation and co-presentation opportunities please contact us.


LIFT co-presents “On Screen: Right Ascension” at the Images Festival

Saturday 14 April 2012 –

Towards a Vanishing Point by Chris Kennnedy Calling attention to systems through which we construct our sense of geospatial and spectatorial positioning, works in this program navigate considerations of the experience and representation of space.  Towards a Vanishing Point by Chris Kennnedy Calling attention to systems through which”… more

30th anniversary Stills: Larissa Fan, Jean-Paul Kelly

30 x 30: Newly Commissioned Works Screen at AGO Jackman Hall

Thursday 19 January 2012 –

Stills from Larissa Fan’s “The tide goes in, the tide goes out” and Jean-Paul Kelly’s “A Minimal Difference”  In celebration of three decades of filmmaking the Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT)has commissioned thirty Canadian film veterans and emerging voices to make new works originating onor in the spirit of Super 8mm”… more

LIFT co-presents “The Uprooted” at imagineNATIVE

Saturday 22 October 2011 –

 The Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT), along with Worldwide Short Film Festival and ACTRA Toronto, co-presents at the 2011 imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival.    The Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT), along with Worldwide Short Film Festival and ACTRA Toronto, co-presents at the 2011 im”… more

LIFT co-presents “Alternative Landscapes” at Planet in Focus

Saturday 15 October 2011 –

 The Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT),  The Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT), along with Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany Toronto, Worldwide Short Film Festival, and Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre, co-presents at the 2011 Planet in Focus: International Environmental Film a”… more

Tension vs. Meditation: Contemporary Japanese Animation

Friday 5 August 2011 –

Varfix by Kotaro Tanaka As part of his summer 2011 residency at LIFT Tomonari Nishikawa will present a program of contemporary Japanese animation curated for this residency.  Varfix by Kotaro Tanaka As part of his summer 2011 residency at LIFT Tomonari Nishikawa will present a program of contemporary Japanese animation curated for th”… more

Feminist Art Gallery + LIFT co-present “New and Lesser Known Works” by Alison S. M. Kobayashi

Wednesday 27 July 2011 –

  Feminist Art Gallery + LIFT co-present    Feminist Art Gallery + LIFT co-present New and Lesser Known Works Alison S. M. Kobayashi  A video screening and artist talk including early works and rarely seen videos by Alison S. M. Kobayashi such as; Eat Your Words and Period 4L,”… more

LIFT co-presents “Footed Tadpoles” at Shinsedai 2011

Saturday 23 July 2011 –

 The Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT) andthe Shinsedai Cinema Festival 2011 co-presents Footed Tadpoles ( 脚の生えたおたまじゃくし)Dir. Tomoya Maeno脚の生えたおたまじゃくし (Ashi no haeta otamajakushi)2009, 76 minutes Synopsis:  The Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT) andthe Shinsedai Cinema Festival 2011 co-presents”… more

Jaap Pieters in Conversation at LIFT

Wednesday 8 June 2011 –

Fresh from the Media City International Festival of Film and Video Art and the monthly Early Monthly Segments screening salon at the Gladstone Hotel, LIFT will be hosting Dutch filmmaker Jaap Pieters in the LIFT classroom for an informal and casual screening / talk next Wednesday. All are welcome to this FREE event. Fresh from the Media City Intern”… more

LIFT co-presents “Hogtown Homos” at Inside Out

Wednesday 25 May 2011 –

 The Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT), along with Xtra! and Community Arts Ontario  The Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT), along with Xtra! and Community Arts Ontario and the 2011 Inside Out Toronto LGBT Film and Video Festival co-presents Hogtown HomosInside Outs annual sold-out celebration of ou”… more

Winter 2011 Workshop Screening

Tuesday 10 May 2011 –

     LIFT presents new films and works-in-progress by participants of LIFT’s Winter Super 8mm and 16mm Filmmaking Intensives. Members, non-members, friends and family all welcome to attend.   The Emmet Ray924 College Street(just east of Dovercourt Road)  Untitled by Zoë Heyn-Jones Approx. 4 min”… more