Updates on LIFT Operations – January 2021

January 6, 2021
Dear Members and Community,
Thank you for all your understanding throughout 2020 as we dealt with the unprecedented measures used to contain this global pandemic. With your support, the Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT) has been able to sustain itself through the year, albeit at a reduced capacity, and look to 2021 with some measure of hope that we will soon be able to welcome you back to our space in person.
In the meantime, as a result of the Government of Ontario’s continued provincial shutdown announced on December 21st to stop the spread of COVID-19, the Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto will continue to be operating at reduced capacity through the month of January.
Details: https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/59790/ontario-announces-provincewide-shutdown-to-stop-spread-of-covid-19-and-save-lives
1. Registration for the Winter 2021 season of our online filmmaking workshops will open on Tuesday, January 19th at 10am EST. Workshops begin on Saturday, February 6th. No workshops will be held on LIFT’s premises.
Details: https://lift.ca/workshop-registration
2. Motion picture film stock can be purchased via the online LIFT Store and will be shipped by Canada Post. Curbside pick-up is still suspended since our November 2020 notice. Shipments will be made once a week to ensure staff safety. Stock may be limited due to shipping delays.
Details: https://lift.ca/store
3. We have continued suspension of our production equipment rental access and have continued to keep our post-production facilities closed for the foreseeable future. At the end of January, we will revisit plans for re-opening our production equipment access and our post-production facilities when deemed safe for staff and community.
4. General Level memberships can still be purchased online. Upgrading to Production Level and all other levels of memberships will be on hold for the foreseeable future. While we did offer membership extensions in the Spring of 2020, we are unable to offer any additional membership extensions to due to the on-going nature of the COVID-19 pandemic. No memberships refunds will be issued. Details: https://lift.ca/lift-membership
For any other additional matters, staff can be reached via email only as they are working from home and not available for phone calls: https://lift.ca/contact-lift-2
For more information about COVID-19, please visit https://covid-19.ontario.ca
Chris Kennedy
Executive Director