Hispanic Development Council: Huellas Urbana Project

LIFT provided access to our digital classroom to a group of twenty newcomer youth for their work on the Huellas Urbana Project. The students learned to use Photoshop CS4 and worked in LIFT’s digital classroom for two weeks creating a photo project. They also received use of LIFT’s HD video cameras and DSLR to support their production needs. These projects were exhibited at the Toronto Free Gallery in 2011 and will be the subject of a book published by the Hispanic Development Council.
Huellas Urbana Youth Project
Empowering Latin American-Canadian and immigrant youth in their process of adaptation into the Canadian reality using self documentation and auto-representation as the methodology for creation. Huellas uses the arts and mediums of communication as tools that create space for dialogue as well as a critical look into society and the community.
These workshops require a high technical level, an aesthetic demand, a profound conceptual and critical view, which in some cases marks the beginning of a professional career in the arts.
Fortalecer a jóvenes inmigrantes Latinoamericanos y Canadiense-Latinoamericanos en su proceso de adaptación a la realidad canadiense, utilizando la auto documentación y autorepresentación como método; y el arte y medios de comunicación como herramientas que abran un espacio para el diálogo así como una mirada critica a la sociedad y la comunidad. Estos talleres poseen un alto nivel técnico, exigencia estética, profundidad crítica y conceptual, que los convierte en muchos casos, en el inicio de una carrera profesional en el arte para los jóvenes participante.
Through inter-agency networks and other community organizations, the HDC actively promotes the strengthening of new Canadian community groups, community self-sustainability.
The Hispanic Development Council will continue to strengthen the healthy and sustainable development of the community with the focus on social, economic and environmental equity.
El Consejo de Desarrollo Hispano va a seguir reforzando el desarrollo saludable y sostenible de la comunidad con un enfoque en equidad social, económica y ambiental.
The Hispanic Development Council as a learning organization will strive to enhance the capacity of our diverse community to fully participate within Canadian society.
El Consejo de Desarrollo Hispano como organisación de aprendizaje va a luchar para mejorar la capacidad de nuestra diversa comunidad para que participe dentro la sociedad Canadiense.
To accomplish its task, the Hispanic Development Council will implement work in the areas of research, policy analysis, professional development, networking and partnerships, selected service areas, community development and planning.
Para lograr su meta, el Consejo de Desarrollo Hispano va implementar trabajo en las areas de investigacion, analisis de politicas, desarrollo profesional, redes y asociaciones, areas selectas de servicio, desarrollo comunitario y planeamiento.
Starting: Wednesday 1 September 2010 00:00
Non Members: n/a
Members: n/a