Call for Applications: Filmmentor for Female Filmmakers

Creative and Professional Training for Aspiring Female Filmmakers
Creative and Professional Training for Aspiring Female Filmmakers
May 16, 2014—There is a dearth of women’s voices in independent dramatic filmmaking. The Filmmentor program aims to support and cultivate new visions and cinematic expressions from women with stories to tell. The Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT) welcomes you to hone your creative and technical skills through the development and production of short fiction films that give light to local social issues and underrepresented voices.
Filmmentor is a five-month, part-time but intensive film production program that will incubate the ideas and technical abilities of 6 – 8 women. The exact schedule is to be determined, however the program will be during LIFT’s business hours (Monday – Friday, 10am – 6pm). Participants will receive a small stipend (see details below). The tentative start date of the program is July 8, 2014. Working collaboratively, participants will be mentored by film professionals as they develop and complete two short dramatic films by the end of November 2014.
Each participant will have the opportunity to develop their skills, ideas and approach through exercises, workshops and experiments on film and video. Women with diverse interests and skill sets (sound, cinematography, editing, writing and otherwise focused) are encouraged to apply. A jury composed of a LIFT staff member, a mentor and a board member will select between 6 and 8 participants from the pool of applicants.
The program is composed of a series of hands-on technical and conceptual workshops taught by professionals working in the field that cover key creative and technical aspects of the production process. Participants will also be exposed to local filmmakers and professional development opportunities. Filmmentor will culminate with the opportunity for participants to share their work at a public screening event.
All participants will have access to LIFT equipment, studio space, and post-production facilities. Projects and exercises will be allotted a modest budget that will cover the cost of film, equipment, and post-production rentals. A stipend of $750 per month will be provided to every participant for the duration of the 5-month program. Childcare may be partly subsidized for participants with small children. Please inquire for more information.
The Filmmentor program is funded the Canada Council for the Arts through their Initiatives Program.
About LIFT
The Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT) is an artist-run charitable organization dedicated to facilitating excellence in the moving image through media arts education and production resources. LIFT exists to provide support and encouragement for independent filmmakers and artists through affordable access to production, post-production and exhibition equipment; professional and creative development; workshops and courses; commissioning and exhibitions; artist-residencies; and a variety of other services. Founded in 1981 by a small collective, LIFT has since grown to become one of the foremost centres of its kind globally.
Eligibility Criteria:
– Must be 18 years of age or older (by application date).
– Must be woman-identified.
– LIFT encourages applicants who have not had previous training in film or extensive experience working with the medium to apply.
– Must live in Toronto or within commuting distance from the city in order to access LIFT workshops and equipment.
– Must be able to dedicate three (3) days a week to the program as well as additional production time.
– LIFT encourages applicants from diverse backgrounds to apply.
Application Must Include:
1. One-page letter of intent with the following information:
– Your interest in the program and how you will benefit from the experience.
– The area of filmmaking you are most drawn to and why (directing, sound, cinematography, editing, writing, producing)
– All previous experience with filmmaking or other artistic practices.
– Filmmakers and or artists who inspire you.
– Please indicate how you heard about the program
2. A biography (maximum 1 page).
3. One-page audio visual treatment for a short film idea. Please note that projects will be developed collaboratively and proposed projects may not actually be produced through the program.
4. Additional visual material is welcome but not required.
5. Applicant contact information:
– Name
– Email Address
– Telephone Number
6. Contact of three (3) character references (references cannot be spouse/partner, family members or current LIFT staff).
Include references:
– Name
– Email address
– Telephone Number
– Relationship to reference (Employer, teacher, etc.)
– How long you have known the reference
Submissions can be emailed to filmmentor(at) as a PDF or mailed to the LIFT office.
Must arrive by 5:00pm on Monday, June 16, 2014.
Questions / Contact:
Terra Long, Filmmentor Coordinator
Subject Heading: LIFT Filmmentor Application
Starting: Friday 16 May 2014 10:00
Non Members:
Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto
1137 Dupont Street
Toronto ON Canada