LIFT Production and Post-Production Support Grant 2023 – Extended


Updated: June 10, 2024
LIFT’s Production and Post-Production Support Grant for 2024 will be posted online in September 2024.

Questions about the 2024 Support Grant can be sent to in the interim.



Current as of August 30, 2023


Applications are now closed for the 2023 Support Grant.

Grant Deadline EXTENDED to 5:00pm ET on Monday, September 18, 2023

After a five year hiatus, the Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto’s (LIFT) Production and Post-Production Support Grant returned last year in 2022. Between 2005 – 20165, LIFT’s Support Grant provided $2,000 in equipment credits per filmmaker for up to eight projects at varying levels of completion ($16,000 a year commitment).

Upon its return, LIFT was able to offer a cash award alongside the in-kind credits thanks to donations made in the memory of Mara Da Costa Reis Fund. Mara was a young actor, writer and filmmaker who unexpectedly passed in February 2021. Since then LIFT has stewarded over $10,000 in donations made in her name.

In 2023, we will once again offer a cash award for $1,000 thanks entirely to the donations collected through the Mara Da Costa Reis fund, which was formally established in January of this year. Alongside the $2,000 in-kind support traditionally associated with the Grant.

If you are interested in donating you can do so by making a one-time or monthly donation through CanadaHelps page or by cheque.  Your donations will continue to help support this essential grant program for our members.

How to apply

1. To apply for a grant you must be a current LIFT individual member in good standing to be considered. Only General Level memberships are required at the time of application.

2. If you are not currently a member, please complete the application form and pay for General Level membership via the online portal by 5:00pm ET on Friday, September 15, 2023.

3. The grant deadline is extended 5:00pm ET on Monday, September 18, 2023.

All applicants will be informed of the success of their application by the end of October 2023.


If you have any questions regarding the application, feel free to email Deputy Director Renata Mohamed at with the subject heading: LIFT Production and Post-Production Support Grant 2023 


1. All General, General Student, Production and Production Student individual members in good standing as of September 1, 2023 are eligible to apply. All outstanding debts must be paid in full prior to applying. If awarded a grant as a General or General Student member, you must follow the procedure to upgrade to a Production membership, if you haven’t already, including providing a reference check and paying additional upgrade fees.

2. First time filmmakers and students, over the age of 18, may apply. This Grant is not designed to support student projects that are deemed as classwork. This includes Thesis film projects. If you are a student, please provide a letter from an advisor and/or instructor confirming this is an extra-curricular project.

3. You must be based in the Greater Toronto Area to apply for this grant and identify as one of the following: Canadian Citizen, Permanent Resident, Newcomer (in Canada for less than 7 years without permanent residency) or Refugee (a person who was forced to leave their home country and is now located in Canada). 

4. Previous grant recipients are eligible to apply. Anyone who has previously received a Production and Post-Production Support Grant must have completed their previous project, submitted final reports and final copies of the work to LIFT and/or waived the grant for projects not completed before they can apply for a new project. IMPORTANT: Final reports for previous projects must be submitted by Friday, September 1, 2023 to allow time to be approved BEFORE the 2023 deadline.

5. Applicants must hold, and retain, creative, and editorial control in the director and/or the filmmaker role, as well as copyright to the project for which they apply. Producers are not eligible to apply.

6. Applicants may apply for funding for only one (1) project per application deadline.

7. Collaborative projects are eligible to apply. One collaborator must submit the project in their name, but the application must include résumés for all participants. The applying collaborator must be also LIFT member as outlined in point #1.

8. Interdisciplinary projects are welcome, however, film and digital (time based moving image) components must play a key role in the project. Priority is given to celluloid focused projects, but all formats are eligible.

9. The following types of projects and/or services for projects are ineligible:
Industrial or corporate projects; calling card films; student projects; web series, conventional forms of theatrical and television entertainment, such as dramas, movies-of-the-week and news reports; as well as post-production projects that have no creative element, such as analogue film blow-up processes, transfers from one format to another, duplication, DCPs, or subtitling.

10. Late, incomplete, or ineligible applications will not be accepted.

Budget Requirements

1. Requests for development funds, promotion, distribution or packaging costs will not be accepted.

2. Filmmakers can apply for 100% of their total budget.

3. If the request is less than 10% of the total budget, applicants must explain why LIFT’s contribution would be significant to the project. You must include a paragraph describing this point in relation to your budget.

4. As part of the submitted detailed budgets, applicants must use the notes section in the budget to outline how the $2,000.00 equipment and facilities credit and $1,000 cash, requested from LIFT will be used.

5. All budgets must be detailed and balanced. The total of the expenses must match the total of the revenues.

6. Budgets must include a detailed list of all the revenue sources, pending or confirmed, and the amount requested from each source.  If you need a template you can use one of the follow templates:

6a. Telefilm Canada’s Talent to Watch Program “Standard Production Budget Template:

6b. LIFT’s Simplified Budget template: LIFTSupportGrant_BudgetTemplate_30Aug2023

Selection Criteria

LIFT supports projects that offer something unique, whether in aesthetic exploration, social relevance, and or cultural contribution. The jury’s decisions will be based on the following criteria:
– Demonstrated ability to complete the project. Projects may be intended for any presentation method or context.
– Ways in which having access to LIFT equipment and facilities will make an impact on the project
– Projects which demonstrate artistic integrity, originality, and vision.

Unfortunately, due to financial constraints, all projects meeting the criteria may not receive funding.
– All jury decisions are final.
– Jury comments are confidential and will not be released.
– The jury is not obliged to award all the equipment credit or cash award that is available.

Online Application Form

If You Receive a Grant

1. Will pay any upgrade membership fees (if applicable) and any outstanding invoices (if applicable) before the support grant credit and cash is released.

2. Must provide an invoice, with required details provided from LIFT staff, before the cash portion of the support grant will be released.

3. LIFT will issue the cash award in two parts. The first amount will be issued upon selection (and confirmation of said membership requirements) and the second will take place at six months.

4 Must connect with LIFT staff within one month of receiving the Grant to book a tour and get acquainted with the space and equipment available to them.

5. Will submit, within twelve (12) months of October 27, 2023, a FINAL REPORT on the above-mentioned film which will include a financial statement indicating revenues and costs, and how the LIFT support was used. Final reports can be found on the LIFT website. [Coming Soon]

6. In the event that the project is not complete within the twelve (12) months of October 27, 2023, a PROGRESS REPORT must be submitted, which will include a brief financial statement indicating revenues and expenditures to that date, and how LIFT’s support was used. AND wherein at that time, new reporting times will be established, and subject to all conditions and requirements of this contract. Progress reports can be found on the LIFT website.

7. Will conduct all equipment and facilities bookings in accordance with LIFT’s membership and equipment rental policies. The Equipment Credit granted to the selected project cannot not be applied to workshop registration, membership fees, store items and/or repair or replacement of lost or damaged equipment; and/or transferred to any other individual for any other LIFT services.

8. Credits may only be applied to rentals for the production that the grant was issued for. Any rentals for projects other than [Film] will be billed as a payable invoice.

9. Will include in the above film’s credits:
Made with financial assistance from the Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT) or LIFT logo provided by LIFT. Approved LIFT logos available on the LIFT website.

10.  Will inform the LIFT of the completion of the film, [Film], plus any screenings, festivals, broadcasts, or awards which the completed work may enjoy. Information should be sent to
Subject Heading: Screening for LIFT 2023 Production and Post-Production Film

11.  Will provide LIFT with a digital file final preview copy of the completed film for archival and grant support material purposes.

12. All grantees are invited to participate in a Work-In-Progress screening in spring of 2024 for donors of the fund which supports the grant. Information regarding the screening will be sent out to all grantees in January 2024.

13. It is the grant recipient’s responsibility to ensure that progress reports or final reports (download below) are submitted on time, and to ensure that LIFT has up-to-date contact information (phone number, email, mailing address).

All questions can be directed to Development Coordinator  Cayley James at with the subject heading: LIFT Production and Post-Production Support Grant 2023

PLEASE NOTE: LIFT Production and Post-Production grants are valid for a maximum term of two (2) years, regardless of the stage of progress of the granted film. After two (2) years, any remaining credits will be voided.

Grant Writing Resources

Ontario Arts Council’s Media Artists Creation Projects Webinar
This webinar (originally from February 26, 2021) can be viewed as a guide on how to present your practice and project to a media arts application. While this is a presentation by the Ontario Arts Council, the same principles can be addressed to the LIFT Production and Post-Production Support Grant.

Ontario Arts Councils’ Media Art Grants and Services Information Session
This webinar (originally from March 11, 2021) can be viewed as a guide on how to present your practice and project to a media arts application. While this is a presentation by the Ontario Arts Council, the same principles can be addressed to the LIFT Production and Post-Production Support Grant.

One Stop Business Workshop virtual series
Organized by CBC, the Canadian Audio-Visual Certification Office (CAVCO), and the Canadian Media Producers Association (CMPA).
Season 1, Building A Production Budget
Season 2, How to Arrive at Your Budget Ranges for Development and Production for Fiction and Non-Fiction
Season 4, Moving from No Budget to Low/Micro Budget Production