Friday, August 18 – Open Screening

July 26, 2023
Call for Submissions: Open Screening
Join the Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT) on Friday, August 18, 2023 in the Main Classroom at LIFT (1137 Dupont) for our Summer Open Screening, an evening of oddball films, experiments, found footage and works in progress.
UPDATE – Submissions are now closed! We have reached our time limit for the event.
Event Details:
Open Screening
Friday, August 18, 2023
LIFT Main Classroom
1137 Dupont Street
Screenings starts at 7:00pm
Admission: Pay-What-You-Can (PYWC) with a suggested donation of $5.00
Light snacks and drinks will be served.
The LIFT Facility is accessible. Please let us know if you’d need additional accommodations now listed on our website:
For those who don’t know, an Open Screening is a low stakes opportunity for LIFT members and non-members alike to showcase and discover some weird and wonderful pieces. Think of it as an open mic night for films! Were you able to attend the Film Labs Gathering and were able to test out some new processes and want to see what they look like properly projected? Discovered some old film at a flea market you’d like to share with an audience? Have a Work In Progress or a scene from a larger project you’d like to present for feedback? Whatever you’ve got! Send it our way. We’ll be equipped to project in a variety of formats including: Digital, Regular 8mm, Super8 and 16mm.
– 10 minutes or less (including credits)
– Content In line with our Code of Conduct and Statement of Inclusion
– Limit of one piece per filmmaker
– Submissions are on a first-come, first service basis to fit within the time limit of the event
– We will be closing submissions once we’ve reached out limit so submit early
Please Note: This screening would not count towards professional screening eligibility that the various Canadian arts councils require to be eligible for their media arts grants.
Presentation Details:
We will be equipped to project digitally (codecs H. 264 and Apple ProRes) as well as on 8mm, Super 8 and 16mm film prints.
Submission Details:
– There is no fee to submit your film
– Complete submission form by 5:00pm on Wednesday, August 16, 2023 so we know what to expect:
– Drop off their films in-person to the LIFT facility (film print or a Mac-Formatted USB) by 12:00pm on Thursday, August 17, 2023.
We encourage all participants to join our “Blind Networking” activity at the door. Filmmakers can write down their name and contact information as well as anything they’d like to share with another filmmaker. At the end of the event each filmmaker will receive another filmmaker’s card.
Any questions about Open Screening can be directed to Development Coordinator Cayley James at with the subject heading: LIFT Open Screening