LIFT Staffing Updates – September 2023


September 1, 2023

Special Projects Coordinator Helen Lee

In the aftermath of our very successful Analogue Resilience Film Labs Gathering back in May, we are happy to announce that Helen Lee will be continuing in her role at LIFT as Special Projects Coordinator, for the foreseeable future. Over this past summer, she has been spearheading future projects that expand outside of usual operations as we take on. Further announcements about these projects to come later this month.

“I’m thrilled to be able to continue working with the LIFT community after a very rewarding year helping to plan the Film Labs Gathering and am excited to contribute to some of the great projects coming up soon.”
—Helen Lee

Helen Lee is a film archivist and programmer currently based in Toronto. She received a BA from the University of King’s College, Halifax, in 2018 and has since worked at various arts organizations such as C Magazine, Vtape and the Toronto International Film Festival. She completed her MA at Toronto Metropolitan University in Film Preservation and Collections Management in 2022.