Equipment and Facilities Catalogue

Animation Suite - Oxberry 16mm Roto

Animation Suite - Oxberry 16mm Roto Animation Suite - Oxberry 16mm Roto Animation Suite - Oxberry 16mm Roto
Animation Suite - Oxberry 16mm Rotoscoping

This suite is capable of capturing frame-by-frame animations on 16mm film using an Oxberry Animation Stand. You can also film your animations on the stand with a DSLR attached, and record using Dragonframe animation software.

This room also includes an Oxberry animation paper hole-puncher for use with the built-in Oxberry peg bar. There is also an ACME hole-puncher for use with ACME peg bars.

This suite is capable of rephotographing animation cells, as well as drawings on paper, onto 16mm film. It is also capable of projecting 16mm films onto the animation table, for rotoscoping.  

Members with rental access, please email the Technical Administrator at if you have questions about the suite or would like to book to consultation as listed in the rental policy.


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Package includes: 

2x 400' 16mm Magazines
2x 650 Lights with Scrims
9x ACME Peg Bars
1x Animation Disc
1x Animation Glass
1x Apple 2015 iMac
2x Core Adapters
1x Dragonframe 3.6.4
1x Gloves (for use with light sources)
1x Oxberry Animation Paper Hole Puncher
1x Oxberry Animation Stand Controller
1x Oxberry Peg Bar Parts
1x Registration Chart
1x Rotoscope Prism
1x Undertable Light Source


Per hour: $5
Per day: $40
Per week: $160