Donate in Support of Contemporary Film

Current as of December 2023.

There are many ways to support LIFT. You can make a one-time cash donation or a monthly cash donation by going to our CanadaHelps page or through the form below.

If you would like to donate via cheque, please mail it to the address below:
Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT)
1137 Dupont Street
Toronto, Ontario M6H 2A3
If you would like your donation to go towards a specific fund or program please make a note in the memo.

A Canadian tax receipt will be issued upon the processing of your donation.

If you wish to make a monetary donation to establish an award for filmmakers, specifically support another part of the organization, provide an in-kind donation, please contact LIFT’s Executive Director at

Note: If you are looking to donate filmmaking equipment, please directly email a list of filmmaking equipment the Technical Department at We accept analogue film and digital production and post-production equipment that is in working order.



The Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT) was incorporated in 1981 as a not-for-profit corporation dedicated to the creation of independent film works. The organization began with 25 members and an annual budget of $1,800. The founding meetings were held at The Funnel, an art gallery, performance space and small-scale film distribution centre erected as a reaction to the ambiguous state of the now defunct Toronto Filmmakers Co-op. As a result of a wide-spread and diverse need for its services in the community, LIFT evolved into what it is today.

By 1983 LIFT provided 16mm production and post-production equipment to its members, primarily donated by York University and the National Film Board of Canada. In 1984, with 37 members LIFT hired part-time staff and began receiving development funding from the Arts Councils. The first LIFT newsletter was published in April 1985. By 1987 LIFT was producing a popular bi-monthly newsletter and had begun offering a regular workshop series. At this time LIFT was also successful in obtaining charitable status. From 1984 to 1995 LIFT operated out of 345 Adelaide Street West before moving to 37 Hanna Avenue (now 171 East Liberty Street), which housed the organization until the summer of 2008. Since February 2009 LIFT has been based in a stand-alone facility at 1137 Dupont Street, rapidly becoming the key hub for film training and production on a local, national and international level.

LIFT is increasingly known both nationally and internationally as a film production centre with a level of equipment sophistication beyond any other in the world. On a local level the development of LIFT’s workshop and educational programming is working to mentor new generations of artists in artist based film practices. Currently operating with seven full-time staff the LIFT staff assist members’ skill development and productions in an active and supportive manner.