LIFT Touring Workshop with LOMAA: Digital Storytelling with Animated Gifs

LIFT Touring Workshop with LOMAA:
Digital Storytelling with Animated Gifs
Monday, May 29, 2017
8:15am – 12:15pm
H. B. Beal High School
525 Dundas Street
London, Ontario
LIFT Touring Workshop with LOMAA:
Digital Storytelling with Animated Gifs
Monday, May 29, 2017
8:15am – 12:15pm
H. B. Beal High School
525 Dundas Street
London, Ontario
In this workshop participants will be introduced to new modes of creating moving images – utilizing animated gifs to generate short narratives. With examples from contemporary artists including Lorna Mills, Lilli Carré, Tom Moody and others, students will learn the basic fundamentals to begin experimenting in this short form of animation. Moving from the basic history of this art form they will be introduced to Photoshop Elements and then have time to create their own projects. A consideration of the unique qualities intrinsic to animated gifs (the infinite loop) will be stressed as students bring digital drawing into the temporal realm.
This workshop is open to H.B. Beal Secondary School students.
Christine Negus is a video and animation artist, cultural worker and educator. She is currently working at Fanshawe College in the Fine Art department, Tangled Art + Disability, London Ontario Media Arts Association and she has recently taught in the Film Department at Western University. Negus has exhibited and screened widely and has won the National Film Board of Canada’s Best Emerging Canadian Video/Filmmaker award. She received her MFA from Northwestern University in Chicago IL and her BFA from Western University in London ON.
This workshop is part of LIFT’s Touring Filmmaking Workshops with media arts centers throughout Ontario. The touring program is generously supported by the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF).
Starting: Monday 29 May 2017 08:15
Non Members: Free
Members: Free
H.B. Beal High School
525 Dundas Street
London ON Canada