Call for Applications: LIFT Newcomer Filmmentor

Participants and facilitators from LIFT’s Syrian Youth Filmmentor
Participants and facilitators from LIFT’s Syrian Youth Filmmentor
Toronto, August 10, 2017—The Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT) is pleased to announce the call for applications for Newcomer Filmmentor. LIFT will be offering a series of workshops for up to six newcomers, ages 18 – 29, who are interested in learning the craft of filmmaking, as well as gaining familiarity with the field in Canada. These workshops will offer a step-by-step guidance through the process of making a short film.
Digital filmmaking workshops will run for seven Saturdays from September 23, 2017 to December 2, 2017 at LIFT facilities in Toronto. Participants will spend the month of November in production of a short film.
Eligibility Criteria:
– This call is open to all newcomers who have arrived in Canada within the past seven years
– Must be available for all workshops and commit to making a short film
– We encourage students from diverse backgrounds and experiences to apply
– This mentorship is best suited to applicants who are deadline-driven and self-starters
– Living in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) or within commuting distance from the city in order to access LIFT
Your Application Must Include:
1. Applicant contact information:
– First and Last Name
– Date of Birth
– Arrival Date in Canada
– Telephone Number
– Email Address
– Complete Mailing Address
2. Statement of Interest:
– A one-page written introduction to yourself, why you are interested in filmmaking, and your experience (if any) with the arts. Also, please include where you saw this call for applications.
Email application in a single PDF document to by Friday, September 15, 2017 at 5pm
Subject Heading: Application for LIFT Newcomer Filmmentor 2017
All applicants will be notified by Thursday, September 21, 2017
Should you have additional questions, please contact LIFT Education and Outreach Administrator
Rolla Tahir at 416.588.6444 Ext. 223 or specialprojects(at)
Newcomer Filmmentor is supported out of LIFT’s operational revenue.
Anyone wishing to support our programs can donate through Canada Helps.
About the Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT)
LIFT is an artist-run charitable organization dedicated to facilitating excellence in the moving image through media arts education and production resources. LIFT exists to provide support and encouragement for independent filmmakers and artists through affordable access to production, post-production and exhibition equipment; professional and creative development; workshops and courses; commissioning and exhibitions; artist-residencies; and a variety of other services. Founded in 1981 by a small collective, LIFT has since grown to become one of the foremost centres of its kind globally.
Follow this program on social media: #LIFTfilm
Starting: Thursday 10 August 2017 00:00
Non Members: $0
Members: $0
Liaison of Independent Fimmakers of Toronto (LIFT)
1137 Dupont Street
Toronto ON Canada