LIFT Newsletter August 1992

Published: 15 August 1992

1992 August001


LIFT Newsletter August 1992


-Subverting Economies with Carol Anne McBride and Gary Popovich from the Canadian Directors Series panel of the same name organized by Edie Steiner.

-Censored Only in Ontario. Andrew Krempolic used to sit on the Ontario Film and Review Board, he lives to tell. Interview by Andre Munger.

-Twenty two LIFT films at the Festival of Festivals: Included in Perspective Canada and the CFMDC Twenty Fifth Anniversary Series.

-The Island Screening, now past. Words and pictures by Ed Makuch

-‘Image- Music- Text: Rereading the Rhetoric of Imaging” August Monthly Screening curatorical statement by Aub Glazer

-Festival Listings- A sorry statment from the CC

-Map of the LIFT office by Julie Wheler and her freind Wick, an excerot of articulated rage directed towards Queens Park by Robin + Gran Deadlines

-Equipment Notes from Julie Ouellon

-Short Ends+Classifieds


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