
Displayed here is a partial list of LIFT programming and co-presentations going back to 2004. Entries are sorted by date, with the most recent first. The sub-menu provides a quick view of each program offered by LIFT and our calls for submissions.


Works by Dagie Brundert at CineCycle (Toronto Screening)

Thursday 31 May 2012 –

   THE FILMS OF DAGIE BRUNDERT – CINECYCLE(TORONTO SCREENING) Closing this residency the Goethe and LIFT are pleased to present a program of Dagie’s films selected by the artist herself. From the 1990s to work produced May 2012 in Toronto this screening will offer rare chance to see her work projected as it was made, on Super 8 film.”… more

Works by Dagie Brundert at Media City (Windsor Screening)

Saturday 26 May 2012 –

THE FILMS OF DAGIE BRUNDERT – MEDIA CITY (WINDSOR SCREENING)  THE FILMS OF DAGIE BRUNDERT – MEDIA CITY (WINDSOR SCREENING) The 2012 Media City Film Festival in Windsor, Ontario will present a screening of old and new Super 8 films by Dagie Brundert. This late night program celebrates the continued vitality of small-gauge film as”… more

LIFT co-presents “Local Heroes” program at Inside Out

Thursday 24 May 2012 –

 LIFT co-presents at the 2012 Inside Out Toronto LGBT Film Festival. Inside Out’s annual sold-out celebration of the homo heroes of Hogtown features an eclectic and entertaining mix of emerging and established talent that exemplifies why Toronto the Good remains great when it comes to queer art.   LIFT co-presents at the 2012 In”… more

Kaffeeschmodder - Dagie Brundert

Processing Black and White Film with Coffee Workshop

Wednesday 16 May 2012 –

Coffee developer – CAFFENOL (photo Dagie Brundert) Co-presented by LIFT and the Goethe-Institut Toronto Instructed by Dagie Brundert Coffee developer – CAFFENOL (photo Dagie Brundert) Co-presented by LIFT and the Goethe-Institut Toronto Instructed by Dagie BrundertSpring 2012 Goethe / LIFT artist in residence  Enrolment lim”… more

Ambassadors of Coincidence (Berlin)

Ambassadors of Coincidence II: A city walk game with Dagie Brundert

Saturday 19 May 2012 –

 Co-presented by LIFT and the Goethe Institut Toronto Saturday, May 19, 201210am – 5pm  Enrolment limited to 5 Free, Advanced registration required   Co-presented by LIFT and the Goethe Institut Toronto Saturday, May 19, 201210am – 5pm  Enrolment limited to 5 Free, Advanced registration required Presented as”… more

Ambassadors of Coincidence (Berlin)

Ambassadors of Coincidence I: A city walk game with Dagie Brundert

Saturday 12 May 2012 –

 Co-presented by LIFT and the Goethe Institut Toronto   Co-presented by LIFT and the Goethe Institut Toronto Saturday May 12 and Sunday May 13, 2012Both days from 11am – 5pm Enrolment limited to 8 Free, Advanced registration required  Ambassadors of Coincidence is a collaborative film production game conceived by Dagie Brun”… more

LIFT’s Cameraless Filmmaking Workshop with Media City Film Festival at the Art Gallery of Windsor

Sunday 29 April 2012 –

CAMERALESS FILMMAKINGSaltmarche-McLaughlin-Haworth Studio CAMERALESS FILMMAKINGSaltmarche-McLaughlin-Haworth StudioArt Gallery of Windsor In partnership with the 18th edition of Media City Film Festival and the Art Gallery of Windsor, the Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT) will present a free afternoon class in cameraless 16mm”… more

Dagie Brundert – Goethe-Institut / LIFT Residency Spring 2012

Wednesday 25 April 2012 –

   Toronto, April 25, 2012—The Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT) and the Goethe-Institut Toronto are pleased to announce Dagie Brundert (Berlin) as the inaugural Goethe-LIFT Artist-in-Residence this May. One of Germany’s most prolific filmmakers working with small format Super 8 film Dagie has produced a wide range of fi”… more

LIFT OUT LOUD: Call for TV Pilots / Webisodes for June Reading

Tuesday 17 April 2012 –

LIFT’s popular screenplay reading series LIFT OUT LOUD is currently looking for great TV Pilots and webisodes scripts for our LIFT OUT LOUD reading in June. Please submit them as either a PDF or Word document by Tuesday April 17th, 2012 to: E-mail: liftoutloud(at) Subject Heading: LIFT OUT LOUD June 2012 Submission Please note:To”… more

LIFT co-presents “She Said Boom: The Story of Fifth Column” at Hot Docs

Friday 27 April 2012 –

 LIFT co-presents at the 2012 Hot Docs  Feature film, She Said Boom: The Story of Fifth Column Dir. Kevin Hegge  LIFT co-presents at the 2012 Hot Docs  Feature film, She Said Boom: The Story of Fifth Column Dir. Kevin Hegge   Screening with The Man that Got Away Dir. Trevor Anderson  For more information see”… more