LIFT Co-presents with IMAA ON.Fire Festival


LIFT and the Gladstone Hotel co-presents – REVELACIONES (REVELATIONS): All Thought Begins with Remembrance

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CURATOR: Gabriela Golder


LIFT and the Gladstone Hotel co-presents – REVELACIONES (REVELATIONS): All Thought Begins with Remembrance

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CURATOR: Gabriela Golder

ARTISTS: Hernán Khourian, Andrés Denegri, Emanuel Licha, Nelson Henricks, Lucas Bambozzi

WHAT: The need to address the issue of memory is a recurrent concern of contemporary audiovisual productions, personal and collective memories, historical marks, the marks of memories on places, spaces, and bodies. The necessary articulation of personal and collective experiences for constructing memory.

CREATINE THE LANDSCAPE: Places, landscapes, memories, marks, imprints. Resistances. Going back, going through, moving about. This program is marked by the acts of moving about. The works in this exhibition take us to places impregnated with subjectivity. Sometimes they come from intimate looks, and sometimes, from spaces crossed by specific historical, social, or political circumstances.

WE SEE WHAT WE HAVE TRAINED TO SEE: We are used to separating nature and human perception into two different spheres, but they are, in fact, indivisible. The landscape is a product of the mind. Its scenery is constructed from the layers of memory. Looks, discoveries, leaving, going back, remembering. Little, intimate, collective stories take us to particular places—a country, a city, a language. Knowing, not knowing, moving about in search of something different. Being odd, recognizing oneself once again.

A DIALOGUE: This exhibition proposes to establish a dialogue between works by South American and North American artists. The aim is to find, through this interconnection, various ways of seeing, ways of appropriating time and space. And, ultimately, find ways of constructing the memory.

A HOTEL AS A PLACE OF EXHIBITION: A hotel room, a passage place, a place of meeting, of failed meetings, of movement, or stillness. Of thousands of possible loves, of stories, of tales, of memories. Projections like windows, projections instead of windows, windows to another place, unknown, far-off. Inside out, or vice versa. An invitation to travel to some unknown place. The desire to be on another place, to overcome physical, political, temporary, intimate limits. A still displacement. An initiation, an epiphany.



Friday 18 June 2010 –

Non-members: FREE
Members: FREE

Gladstone Hotel, 2nd Floor Rooms 
Toronto ON Canada