LIFT co-presents Early Monthly Segments #70 with Mary Helena Clark

The Dragon is the Frame by Mary Helena Clark
Early Monthly Segments (EMS) #70
Mary Helena Clark in person!
Co-presented by the Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT)
Early Monthly Segments hosts a screening of the 16mm films of American filmmaker Mary Helena Clark. Clark is in town to work on a new film based on Franco Moretti’s book Signs Taken for Wonders, the title of which could be an apt description of much of Clark’s filmography. Clark’s films place emphasis on fragments and momentary discoveries, whether the physical imprints of rotting textbooks found in a deserted school, as in After Writing, the very material detritus on a well-worn film print of Jean Cocteu’s Orphée, highlighted in Orpheus (outtakes), or the way traveling through an iconic city like San Francisco, featured in The Dragon in the Frame, can capture references to moments gone-by—both universal and personal.
Mary Helena’s work will be shown in the context of three additional films that she has selected as complement, Amy Halpern’s brief and bright Invocation, Scott Stark’s amusing carpetuum mobile Hotel Cartograph, and Stephen Connolly’s multivalent expression on the idea of the Commons, The Whale.
Invocations, Amy Halpern, 1982, USA, 16mm, 2 min.
Orpheus (outtakes), Mary Helena Clark, 2012, USA, 16mm, 6 min.
Sound Over Water, Mary Helena Clark, 2009, USA, 16mm, 6 min.
Hotel Cartograph, Scott Stark, 1983, USA, 16mm, 12 min.
After Writing, Mary Helena Clark, 2008, USA, 16mm, 4 min.
The Dragon is the Frame, Mary Helena Clark, 2014, USA, 16mm, 14 min.
The Whale, Stephen Connolly, 2003, UK, 16mm, 9 min.
Mary Helena Clark has joined LIFT in Toronto from February 2015 as a Visiting Artist.
Monday 16 February 2015 –
Non-members: $5 - $10 suggested donation
Members: $5 - $10 suggested donation
The Gladstone Hotel
1214 Queen Street West
Toronto ON Canada