LIFT announces American Visiting Artist Anna Kipervaser

Toronto, July 11, 2017—The Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT) is pleased to announce that Anna Kipervaser has joined us from Durham, North Carolina as a visiting artist from July 4 to August 2, 2017 to work on an on-going multipart 16mm experimental film translating the Quran from Arabic into Visual language. While in town, Kipervaser will be teaching Materiality and Light, a workshop on photogramming, contact-printing, and direct animation techniques from July 24 to 26 and presenting a screening of her films at PIX Film Gallery (1411 Dufferin Street, Unit C) on July 31 at 7:00pm.
At LIFT, Anna will be utilizing the JK Optical Printer and the Darkroom to continue working on her film, The Order of Revelation, which she has been working on for the last two years. The film is a long-form project translating the Quran from Arabic to Visual language, in the order in which it was revealed rather than the order in which it was canonized. The film uses the optical printer to spell out each word of each verse and surah, following the rules of the recitation of the Quran. The result is a visual translation of reading, which is in itself a visual translation of an oral tradition.
Anna’s workshop, explores “photogramming, contact-printing, direct animation techniques, shooting 16mm film and hand-processing in this hands-on, three evening workshop. The goal is to access the magic of light and materiality through the direct physical experience of working with 16mm film. In this workshop, we will start by experimenting with how the world can be represented through the presence of objects rather than the representation of objects, utilizing a variety of cameraless techniques in and out of the darkroom. The unpredictable and poetic relationship of image captured to image projected, will be explored as we move into working with a Bolex 16mm camera, projecting our ideas into the future by hand-processing our negatives, and, creating our own in-camera contact prints.”
Anna’s screening will feature the first three parts of her Order of Revelation, as well as And By The Night, a recent colour film.
Anna Kipervaser’s screening at PIX Film Gallery is generously supported by the LivingArts Kitchen.
Anna Kipervaser is a Ukrainian-born multimedia artist. Her work spans multiple disciplines including experimental and documentary moving image works in both 16mm film and HD video. Anna is also painter, printmaker, curator of exhibitions and programmer of screenings showcasing the works of contemporary international artists. Her moving image work has screened at Full Frame Documentary Film Festival, Anthology Film Archives, Crossroads Film Festival at the San Francisco Cinematheque, Big Sky Documentary Film Festival, Milwaukee Underground Film Festival, Chicago Underground Film Festival, Athens International Film and Video Festival, Indie Grits Film Festival, River’s Edge International Film Festival, Montreal Underground Film Festival, Haverhill Experimental Film Festival, Spectacle Theatre, Muestra Internacional Documental de Bogota.
Materiality and Light
Monday July 24, Tuesday July 25, and Wednesday July 26, 2017
All evenings from 6:00pm to 10:00pm
Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT)
1137 Dupont Street (at Gladstone Avenue)
Cost: $175 LIFT members, $200 non-members
Pre-registration Required. Enrolment limit to 4.
Register: 416.588.6444 Ext. 221
The Order of Revelation: Films by Anna Kipervaser
Monday, July 31, 2017
PIX Film Gallery
1411 Dufferin Street, Unit C
FREE Admission
The Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT) is Canada’s foremost artist-run production and education organization dedicated to celebrating excellence in the moving image. LIFT exists to provide support and encouragement for independent filmmakers and artists through affordable access to production, post-production and exhibition equipment; professional and creative development; workshops and courses; commissioning and exhibitions; artist-residencies; and a variety of other services. LIFT is supported by its membership, Canada Council for the Arts, Ontario Arts Council, Ontario Trillium Foundation, Ontario Arts Foundation, the Government of Ontario and the Toronto Arts Council.
For additional information please see or e-mail Executive Director Chris Kennedy at
Tuesday 4 July 2017 –
Liaison of Independent Fimmakers of Toronto (LIFT)
1137 Dupont Street
Toronto ON Canada