Expanded Cinema workshop with Alex MacKenzie

Expanded Cinema:
Apparatus and Methodology
Workshop with Alex MacKenzie
Enrolment limit: 10
Pre-registration is required.
Register by phone with a credit card (416.588.6444)
or in person with cash/debit/credit at LIFT during office hours (Monday – Friday, 10am – 6pm).
Expanded Cinema:
Apparatus and Methodology
Workshop with Alex MacKenzie
Enrolment limit: 10
Pre-registration is required.
Register by phone with a credit card (416.588.6444)
or in person with cash/debit/credit at LIFT during office hours (Monday – Friday, 10am – 6pm).
In this workshop, media artist Alex MacKenzie will present a closer look at the original engine of expanded cinema: the projector. Specifically, participants will explore how to work with 16mm projection devices to allow an expansion of their potential and a re-purposing of their function. Discussion and examination of the various elements of projection: light, lens, focal plane, film gate, speed, shutter, motor, bulb, and screen will all be explored with live examples and an up-close and hands-on approach. The work of contemporary media artists Bruce Mclure, Presstapes (Luis Recoder/Sandra Gibson), Wetgate, and others as well as historically significant artists will be discussed. Participants will be given the opportunity to try out various techniques, and will leave with a better understanding of how these elements work both separately and in tandem, as well as with a demystification of the primary instrument of the motion picture.
Alex MacKenzie is an experimental film artist working primarily with relic analog film equipment and hand processed imagery. He creates works of expanded cinema, light projection installation, and projector performance. His work has been presented at the Rotterdam International Film Festival, the EXiS Experimental Film Festival in Seoul, Lightcone in Paris, Kino Arsenal in Berlin, the Vancouver Art Gallery and others. He has presented workshops and lectures at the Concordia University Graduate Studies Program, Simon Fraser University, York University, Mount Allison University, No.w.here in London, Atelier MTK in France, and elsewhere. Alex was the founder and curator of the Edison Electric Gallery of Moving Images, the Blinding Light!! Cinema and the Vancouver Underground Film Festival. He was an artist in residence at Atelier MTK in Grenobles, France and Struts Gallery/Faucet Media in New Brunswick. Alex co-edited Damp: Contemporary Vancouver Media Art (Anvil Press 2008), and interviewed David Rimmer for Loop, Print, Fade + Flicker: David Rimmer’s Moving Images (Anvil Press 2009).
LIFT will also be co-presenting a screening of MacKenzie’s films with Pleasure Dome. The screening will take place on Friday May 31, 2013 at CineCycle.
Sunday 2 June 2013 –
Non-members: $60.00
Members: $50.00
1137 Dupont Street
Toronto ON Canada
- File Attachment: https://lift.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/LIFTwksp_ExpandedCinema_AlexMacKenzie.pdf
- File Attachment: https://lift.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/LIFTwksp_ExpandedCinema_AlexMacKenzie.pdf
- File Attachment: https://lift.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/LIFTwksp_ExpandedCinema_AlexMacKenzie_0.pdf
- File Attachment: https://lift.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/LIFTwksp_ExpandedCinema_AlexMacKenzie_0.pdf
- File Attachment: https://lift.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/LIFTwksp_ExpandedCinema_AlexMacKenzie_0.pdf
- File Attachment: https://lift.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/LIFTwksp_ExpandedCinema_AlexMacKenzie_0.pdf