COL-MEX: Film and Video from Colombia and Mexico

Short by Dairo Cervantes
COL-MEX: Film and Video from Colombia and Mexico
Program curated by Jorge Lorenzo for the LIFT Artist Residency
Jorge Lorenzo is LIFT’s Winter 2017 Artist in Residence.
Short by Dairo Cervantes
COL-MEX: Film and Video from Colombia and Mexico
Program curated by Jorge Lorenzo for the LIFT Artist Residency
Jorge Lorenzo is LIFT’s Winter 2017 Artist in Residence.
“I have travelled to and fro between Bogota (Colombia) and Monterrey (Mexico) from 2007 to 2015 more or less. This was a priceless opportunity that broaden my experience of life in Latin America in many ways and has sadly come to a sudden halt recently. Throughout my various visits and returns I have gathered a few interesting examples of experimental work from friends and acquaintances in both countries. Historically and conceptually speaking some films are more relevant than others; not all of them are in the best of shapes; but they are all certainly interesting evidence of other approaches from abroad to the act of filmmaking. Moreover, the people featured in this program have definitely had a strong impact in me as a filmmaker and as an individual; it is a way of closing such a compelling chapter in my own personal life.”
—Jorge Lorenzo
Peace Series: Like a Mirror (Mexico-Colombia 2016) by Colectivo Estética Unisex (Lorena Estrada and Futuro Moncada) in collaboration with Antanas Mockus, Full HD, 1:00 min. loop, b&w, sound
Short (Colombia 2004) by Dairo Cervantes, Super 8, 8:00 min., b&w, sound (separate digital file)
Many People (Australia-Mexico 2015) by Steve McIntyre, Super 8 footage manipulated digitally, 3:25 min., color/b&w, sound
The Garden of Secrets (Colombia 2015) by Carlos Santa, Full HD, 4:40 min., color, sound
Tropical Red No.2 (Colombia 2010) by Victor Vega, 35mm to NTSC Video, 2:40 min., color, sound
Sample Text 1 (Colombia/Argentina 2010) by Jorge Lozano, Full HD, 6:20 min., color, sound
Sample of Atemporality No.1 (Mexico 2016) by Daniel Magallanes, Full HD, 5:00 min., color, sound
Spectra (USA 2006) by Rosario Sotelo, MiniDV, 2:00 min., color, sound
Esse est percipi (Mexico 2012) by Raúl Quintanilla, Full HD, 1:08 min., color, silent
Palíndromo Pathway (Mexico 2009) by Roberto Sánchez Santos, MiniDV, 2:00 min., color, sound
Best Art in the World (Mexico 2007-2009) by Rubén Gutiérrez, Full HD, 2:00 min., color, sound
An Educated Woman (Colombia 2014) by María Chalela-Puccini, Full HD, 3:30min., color, sound
Juventud (Mexico 2012) by Paulino Ordóñez, VHS to digital, 12:06 min., color, sound
Greenthenight (Colombia 2015-2016) by Andrés Jurado, 16mm to NTSC Video, 8:39 min., b&w, sound
52 Died (Mexico 2013) by Eliseo Ortiz, 16mm, 5:00 min., color, sound (live text reading by Jorge Lorenzo)
Mónica (Colombia-Mexico 2006) by Enrico Mandirola, 16mm, 12:00 min., b&w, sound
Jorge Lorenzo’s visit is made possible by a grant from the Canada Council for the Arts through their Visiting Foreign Artists program.
Promotional support for the screening provided by the Consul General of Mexico – Toronto.
Wednesday 11 January 2017 –
Non-members: $8.00
Members: $5.00
129 Spadina Avenue (down the alley)
Toronto ON Canada