Equipment and Facilities Catalogue


Darkroom Darkroom
LIFT's darkroom consistst of two adjoined light tight rooms supporting both motion picture film and still photography photo chemical workflows.

The "wet" room includes a dual basin stanless steel sink, colour and black and white photo enlargers, trays, still photography tanks (Paterson), motion picture processing tanks (Lomo and Morse G3), adjustable hanging racks, beakers, and all the accessories required for success.

The "dry" room contains a light table and motion picture rewinds for print and negative inspection, rolll downs of film stock, or loading in a dry space.

Please note: Both jugs and chemistry are NOT included with room rental. 
- Dry chemistry is available in the LIFT store and it is recommended to bring reusable 4L jugs to accomodate mixing.
- There are some used aprons and gloves available to use, but it's recommended you bring your own safety equipment. Respirators and masks are also NOT provided.

Alternatively** to bringing jugs, 1 gallon jugs of distilled water can be purchased from any local grocery store for mixing and storing dry chemistry.

After any booking period the darkroom is expected to be in working order and wiped down by the user in order to be safe and ready for the next member. 

Cleaning supplies will be provided to ensure safety through cleanliness. 


Package includes: 

1x 16mm/35mm Morse Tank
1x 4x5 Contact Printer
1x 8mm/16mm Morse Tank
1x Enlargers for 120, 35mm, 6x6, 6x7, 6x9, 4x5
1x Film Rewinds
4x Lomotanks (Motion Picture Hand-Processing)
2x Photo Enlarger
1x Safe Lights
1x Sink w/ Temperature Control
5x Trays/Tanks for Processing Still Photos
1x Ventilation System


Per hour: $5
Per day: $40
Per week: $160