Equipment and Facilities Catalogue

O'Connor O-Box WM Matte Box System

O'Connor O-Box WM Matte Box System O'Connor O-Box WM Matte Box System O'Connor O-Box WM Matte Box System
Strong and lightweight mattebox designed around the 16:9 format full-size sensor.
This precision mechanical device adeptly accepts up to three filters: two in top-loading filter frames (two 4x4" and two 4x5.65" frames are included). The rear frame is rotatable 360 degrees. A third 138mm round filter sleekly fits in the optional bellows ring.
This Matte Box will work with either 15mm Lightweight rod systems or 19mm rod systems.

For more information visit

Package includes: 

2x 4x5.65 Filter Frame
1x Lightweight 15mm to Studio 19mm Adapter
1x O'Connor O-Box WM
1x Pelican Hard Case
2x Side Flag
1x Top Flag


Per day: $30
Per week: $120