Equipment and Facilities Catalogue

JK Optical Printer

JK Optical Printer
The JK Optical Printer is an optical printer that can print Regular 8mm, Super8mm and Regular 16mm onto Regular 16mm film through the use of a Bolex Model J and a custom-made software. This suite can be used to create "blow-up" prints from Regular 8mm and Super8 onto 16mm film, as well as copies of 16mm film. This suite cannot print onto or print from Super16mm film. 

This suite can also be used to create effects such as dissolves, double-exposures, and colour manipulations, through the use of bi-packing, rephotographing and filtering. 

The printer has been modified to incorporate a new controller operated by Raspberry Pi.

You can request a technical consultation on this room by contacting our Technical Department at . 

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Package includes: 

1x Bolex H16 J
1x Regular 16mm Gate
1x Regular 8mm Gate
1x Super8 Projector Gate
1x Various Filters (NDs, Colour Correction)


Per hour: $5
Per day: $40
Per week: $160