Equipment and Facilities Catalogue

Kodak K-100 Camera (Super 16mm)

Kodak K-100 Camera (Super 16mm) Kodak K-100 Camera (Super 16mm) Kodak K-100 Camera (Super 16mm)
Kodak K-100 Camera adapted for Super 16mm. Operates with spring motor drive, and accepts 100ft spools. Frame rates range from 16-64fps.

This camera has a single-mount lens holder. For 3 lens + viewfinder camera see this link.

Camera comes with 25mm C-Mount Lens and 25mm Viewfinder.

A profiency test is mandatory to rent this item. 

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Package includes: 

1x 25mm Lens (C-Mount)
1x 25mm Viewfinder
1x Camera Case
1x K-100 Camera Body


Per day: $15
Per week: $60