Equipment and Facilities Catalogue

Christie CP 2210 2K Projector

Christie CP 2210 2K Projector
The Christie® CP2210 is the most compact digital cinema projector in the world and the projector of choice for the world’s leading post-production facilities and exhibitors where booth space is at a premium. 

Note: This projector must be installed and deinstalled by LIFT staff member OR a technician(s) approved by LIFT for each rental and operated by qualified projectionists.

- Bookings for this projector must be at least four (4) weeks in advance; maximum up to three (3) months in advance for rentals. 
- T
his projector is not intended for home use
- It is intended for professional installation (theatre, gallery installation, outdoor cinema) context and requires ventilation

There are no exceptions

- Cinema 2k Projector for cinemas up to 45 feet wide
- Includes Gefen Pro II Video scaler and Digital Media Adaptor
- Zoom Lens options include: 1.2-1.75:1, 1.75-2.4:1, and 2.4-3.9:1
- Large road case (requires a minimum of two-four people to move safely) 
- Power requirements are 220-volts at 20-amps

Please note this unit requires a van or a truck to transport, and is 105 lbs without the shipping case. 

Please consult with LIFT staff prior to booking. All questions can be emailed to the Technical Department at


Package includes: 

1x Gene AV Cinema ScalerPro II
1x Large Road Case
1x Option of one of three zoom lenses
2x Pelican Cases
2x Power Cables
1x Projector Body
1x Projector Control Computer


Per day: $450
Per week: $1,800