LIFT co-presents “Anthropo-Digitalism” at Vector Festival
LIFT co-presents Anthropo-Digitalism
at the 2023 Vector Festival
Multi-site Exhibition running July 6 – 16, 2023
How does the digital (re)animate our environments? How do we imprint our humanness upon the digital, and how does digitalness imprint upon us humans? Ruminate on your human/digital reflections with the anthropomorphic inventions of Marisa Fulper-Estrada, Jon McCurley, Kristin McWharter, Lorna Mills, Sunny Nestler, and Seth Scriver. Curated by Keiko Hart. You can learn more about the artists and the rest of the festival by heading to
Walk by the LIFT facility at night to catch a glimpse of Sunny Nester’s “Cone Worms Near Burrard Inlet” above our entrance at 1137 Dupont Street.
Sunny Nestler is a multidisciplinary artist, educator, and grateful guest on unceded Coast Salish territories. Nestler’s multidisciplinary work is rooted in drawing, and expands to include collaborative animation, community-led arts programming, book and zine arts, and a recent municipal commission.
Vector Festival is a participatory and community-oriented initiative dedicated to showcasing digital games and creative media practices. Presenting works across a dynamic range of exhibitions, screenings, performances, lectures, and workshops, Vector acts as a critical bridge between emergent digital platforms and new media art practice. The festival was founded in 2013 as the “Vector Game Art & New Media Festival” by an independent group of artists and curators: Skot Deeming, Clint Enns, kris kim, and Katie Micak, who were later joined by Diana Poulsen and Martin Zeilinger.
Thursday 6 July 2023 – Sunday 16 July 2023
Non-members: Free
Members: Free
Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT)
1137 Dupont Street
Toronto Ontario