The Mirror: Reshaping and Lighting Film Emulsion

The Mirror: Reshaping and Lighting Film Emulsion
Workshop with Kevin Rice
Saturday August 17, 10am – 6pm
The Mirror: Reshaping and Lighting Film Emulsion
Workshop with Kevin Rice
Saturday August 17, 10am – 6pm
Sunday August 18, 10am – 2pm OR 3pm – 7pm
(limit 3 participants per each Sunday session)
Enrolment limit: 6
No prior experience is necessary.
Pre-registration is required.
Register by phone with a credit card (416.588.6444)
or in person with cash/debit/credit at LIFT during office hours (Monday – Friday, 10am – 6pm).
In this two-day workshop, we will be exploring the anatomy of a film strip through a variety of physical and chemical phenomena that will reshape, destroy and sculpt the films emulsion. Techniques such as reticulation, bleach etching and mirror toning will all be covered and applied to previously processed strips of film, followed by their analysis and interpretation on an optical printer. Additionally, issues concerning both the aesthetic and practical application of these techniques will be addressed through discussions and film screenings.
Film stock, chemistry and found footage will all be provided for the workshop and participants can also consider bringing in their own footage, keeping in mind that this is essentially a course on destroying film. Test strips:
Kevin Rice is a ‘film archivist’ whose practice focuses on the study of photochemical theories, the development of lab resources for filmmakers, and the documentation of various darkroom odysseys on motion picture film. He has taught and screened work at several artist-run film labs including (London), l’abominable (Paris), Klubvizija (Zagreb) and LaborBerlin (Berlin). In 2012, he helped found Process Reversal, a film collective dedicated to producing resources for filmmakers and film labs. His most recent efforts include the engineering of a black and white reversal process based on the properties of seawater for an adaptation of Homer’s Epic Cycle.
Saturday 17 August 2013 –
Non-members: $200.00
Members: $180.00
1137 Dupont Street
Toronto ON Canada