The Mechanical Paradise: The Films of Steven Woloshen

The Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT) is pleased to present
The Mechanical Paradise: The Films of Steven Woloshen
RH Factor by Steven Woloshen and Alexandra Grimanis
Steven Woloshen in attendance
The Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT) is pleased to present
The Mechanical Paradise: The Films of Steven Woloshen
RH Factor by Steven Woloshen and Alexandra Grimanis
Steven Woloshen in attendance
Free Speech (2012, 35mm on video, sound, .5 min.)
Frobisher Bay (2012, 35mm on video, sound, 2 min.)
Crossing Victoria (2013, 35mm on video, sound, 4 min.)
RH Factor (co-directed with Alexandra Grimanis, 2008, 35mm on video, sound, 3.5 min.)
Fleeing Rotland (2009, 35mm on video, sound, 5 min.)
Chronicle Reconstructions (2008, 35mm on video, sound, 3 min.)
Son of Dada (1982, 16mm, sound, 2.5 min.)
Bru Ha Ha! (2002, 35mm, sound, 2 min.)
The Babble on Palms (2002, 35mm, sound, 4 min.)
The Curse of the Voodoo Child (2005, 35mm, sound, 3.5 min.)
Two Eastern Hair Lines (2004, 35mm, sound, 4 min.)
La Dolce Vita (2008, 35mm, sound, 2 min.)
Phont Cycle (2006, 35mm, sound 4.5 min.)
Zero Visibility (2009, 35mm, silent, 2 min.)
Editorial (2009, 35mm, sound, 10 min.)
Camera Takes Five (2003, 35mm, sound, 3 min.)
Total running time: 54 minutes
The phrase “the Mechanical Paradise”, coined by Robert Hughes in his book The Shock of the New, reflected new visions in painting and sculpture in the age of machines, Kino Pravda (cinema) being among the chosen mediums of this post-WWI movement.
LIFT is pleased to welcome Steven Woloshen to Toronto to present a screening of his lush and energetic hand-made films. Woloshen presents sixteen short, animated and experimental films, highlighting the mechanics and the art of the perforated film strip: cinema’s direct assembly line. This 16mm/35mm film screening will cover 30 years of his unique abstract film strategies, which are scraped, glued, painted and burnt onto the surface of the film. The results dance along to their propulsive jazz soundtracks, creating a rhythmic beauty as tiny frame-by-frame gestures are writ large on the cinema screen.
Montréal born artist, Steven Woloshen (BFA, MFA Studio Arts) has been passionately creating short abstract films and time-based-art installation pieces since 1982. He has been invited to show his work, has lectured on the subject of handmade analogue film techniques and has been commissioned to create unique films for artist-run centers, international film festivals and galleries. In 2010, he published his first book on the subject of decay, archiving and handmade filmmaking techniques, titled Recipes for Reconstruction: The Cookbook for the Frugal Filmmaker.
Friday 15 August 2014 –
Non-members: $8.00
Members: $5.00
129 Spadina Avenue
Toronto ON Canada