LIFT OUT LOUD February Feature


March’s LIFT OUT LOUD Shorts


March’s LIFT OUT LOUD Shorts:
THE BOMB SQUAD by Peter Brusikiewicz and MY FIRST HALLOWEEN by Ian Kennedy


This month’s event will be moderated by DAVID WEAVER.



March’s LIFT OUT LOUD Shorts


March’s LIFT OUT LOUD Shorts:
THE BOMB SQUAD by Peter Brusikiewicz and MY FIRST HALLOWEEN by Ian Kennedy


This month’s event will be moderated by DAVID WEAVER.


A current fixture in the Canadian Film scene, David jumped onto the stage with his critically acclaimed short film MOON PALACE. From there he directed the successful feature film CENTURY HOTEL that went on to worldwide distribution. Currently, his film SIBLINGS is touring the international film festivals to great acclaim.


FREE PIZZA will be served at the event, LIFT would like to thank PIZZA PIZZA for their generous donation.


THE BOMB SQUAD by Peter Brusikiewicz


Tom and Steve are active graffiti writers, each with his own agenda, until one night, they get into an argument over graffiti and the mischievous actions of Tom get Steve in trouble with the law, and only Tom can get him out of this mess.


PETER BRUSIKIEWICZ Peter graduated from Media Arts at Sheridan College and has obtained an Ontario College Advanced Diploma in April 2005. Since then he has been struggling to find a job in his field. While applying for jobs, particularly in the editing department, in various production companies, he has been doing volunteer work. His volunteer work ranges from PA work on music videos and feature films to editing short films for his demo reel. Peter’s ultimate goal is to direct. He feels that writing and editing gives him the knowledge that is needed for good directing. He has also taken acting training to further develop a feel for directing. He has completed second city. Peter has just opened up his own production company called Trouble & Maker media and he will be directing his first low budget music video in the upcoming weeks.




My First Halloween is the story of two South American brothers in Toronto — Ricardo (age 9) and Andre (age 13) –, and their first experience of Halloween. On Ricardo’s insistence, they set out to do some ‘trick or treating’ in their apartment building.


After publishing short fiction in magazines in Canada and the U.S., IAN KENNEDY wrote and directed two short films — MOVING (2004) and YIELD TO SELF (2005). MY FIRST HALLOWEEN, directed by Alan Powell, has received funding from the Ontario Arts Council and the NFB. MY FIRST HALLOWEEN will be shot in mid-March, 06′. Ian is presently working on a feature-length script about a man who returns to his home town after an absence of decades to confront his personal demons.


LIFT OUT LOUD is Looking for Scripts
LIFT OUT LOUD Feature will resume in April 2006. LIFT OUT LOUD is looking for LIFT members (all levels) to workshop feature script they have written to participate in the April reading to be held on Wednesday, April 5th, 2006. This is a great way to see your script acted out by professional actors. We are looking for features, preferably films that are slated for production this Spring. Please call Matthew Toffolo at 416.568.9046 if interested or are wanting to know more about the series and submit your script to




Wednesday 1 March 2006 –

Non-members: Free/PWYC ($5 Suggested)
Members: Free/PWYC ($5 Suggested)

CFMDC Screening Room 
171 East Liberty Street, Suite 220 
Toronto ON Canada