LIFT co-presents “Of Differences, Lineages, and Belongings” at aluCine

Correspondencia / Correspondence by Valentina Alvarado Mato
LIFT co-presents Of Differences, Lineages, and Belongings
at 2020 aluCine Latin Film + Media Arts Festival
A correlation of feminist forces that are constantly structured and restructured. An incessant becoming (transformation). Video, celluloid and performance become resilient matter, shaped by the sensibility of eleven Latin American women artists and filmmakers who interweave, disorder and alter their elements. In these thirteen works, they invite us to doubt through image and sound, question what they represent, and look beyond their surface. Through performance, animations, a letter, found footage, and music video, this program’s works celebrate the political questioning from a constitutive OTHER within a HETEROGENEOUS field. HETERO questions from/of the other, from the difference. GEN brings to light, origin lineage. EO belonging. The body is central to convey tactile memories encoded in affects, the touch, and smell more than vision, an invitation to look together, and touch together from the perspectives of multiple differences.
—Curated by Alexandra Gelis
“jeny303” by Laura Huertas Millán
“Correspondencia / Correspondence” by Valentina Alvarado Mato
“Santos Zapatistas” by Viviana Díaz
“Salar la tierra / Salting the Earth” by Julieta Maria
“Amérika” by Ana Vaz
“Aí” by Valentina Alvarado Mato
“Plata o Plomo” by Nadia Granados
“Ensalada de Frutas / Fruit Salad” by Liliana Velez
“Nombra” by Alejandra Delgado
“Severine” by Lorena Salomé
“El Terror no es un Género de Ficción / Terror is not a fictional genre” by Viviana Díaz
“Resistencia” by Julieth Morales
“FAUX-DIRE, a freakshow of an elephant woman” by Helena Martín Franco