“Other Places: Reflections on Media Arts in Canada”


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“Other Places: Reflections on Media Arts in Canada” is a ground-breaking book that documents the historical and contemporary contributions that First Peoples, racialized, differently abled, and LGBTQ artists and administrators have made to the media arts in Canada. This collection of texts and artists portfolios is meant to serve as a foundational resource for artists, curators, and educators who are interested in parsing out the political concerns and thematic complexities that arise from/with moving image practices that incorporate a broad spectrum of intersectional identity-based issues. Instead of an anti-canonic text, this project maps an alternate set of discourses, practices, and views across the field since the 1970s.

Edited by Deanna Bowen
Media Arts Network of Ontario (MANO) 2019
Co-published with Public Books
Printed in Canada
ISBN 978-1-9992748-0-1

For more details on this book, please visit https://www.otherplaces.mano-ramo.ca/