LIFT announces the 2022 BAICC Resident – Álvaro Feldman

Toronto, September 29, 2022—The Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT) is pleased to welcome Spanish filmmaker Álvaro Feldman as the current resident in the sixth edition of the BAICC Residencias Artísticas Internacionales de Creacion Cinematográfica, a collaboration between the (S8) Mostra Internacional de Cinema Periférico, Acción Cultural Española (AC/E) and LIFT. The residency supports the making of a new analogue film-based work by creators born or living in Spain. The work made in the residency will premiere at the next iteration of the S8 Film Festival, held in June 2023 in A Coruña, Spain.
Arriving in early September, Feldman is in town until October 16, 2022 to work on his project “Torontontero.” The piece consists of developing a 16mm film performance mechanism that makes it possible to project in both directions, as well as to explore optical printing and hand processing techniques to create a film out of material shot in Toronto. Feldman hopes to make a film that is as reversible as possible, that could be seen in both directions simultaneously, forwards and backwards. The experience of seeing it in opposite directions will give rise to a map of images that repeats itself infinitely but never in the same way. In the resulting film performance, which will have its premiere in A Coruña at the next edition of (S8) 2023, Feldman will continue to fragment and expand the images, seeking to decentre the gaze so that it can move freely between multiple frames to reconstruct the film at each moment, without beginning or end.
Álvaro Feldman will present a public engagement with his work in Toronto on Thursday, October 13, 2022 at PIX FILM. More info to be announced next week.
Álvaro Feldman (1996) studied Cinematography at the Escola Superior de Cinema de Cataluyna ESCAC, where he began his interest in analogue film and its forms. He works in Seville, Barcelona and Madrid. In 2021 he developed and coordinated the Out of Field Lab, and participates in various audiovisual projects as a technician and creative. He starts working in Super 8mm making “La Tarara,” a diary/portrait film that continues to grow with each stay in Seville. That same year he studied at Master LAV, which allowed him to continue delving into analogue processes. He made “Diorama,” “Untitled Sketch #01” and “Untitled Sketch #02” where he delves into more formal-processes. He currently coordinates MASTER LAV’s darkroom where he explores film as a craft, the possibilities and materiality of the analogue image.
Álvaro Feldman’s residency is made possible in part through support from (S8) Mostra de Cinema Periférico and the Acción Cultural Española (AC/E).
(S8) Mostra de Cinema Periférico is a unique event held in A Coruña, Spain focused on avant-garde cinema and small gauge film formats, where filmmakers, journalists, film professionals, students and a passionate audience from all over the world meet around leading figures of cinema and contemporary filmmakers.
Acción Cultural Española (AC/E) is a state agency for the promotion of culture. It fosters the Spanish creative and cultural sectors through a broad program of activities, fostering the internationalisation of creative professionals, with initiatives such as artist residencies. Projects supported by AC/E underline the diverse Spanish contribution to the global culture, as well as recent contributions of Spanish talent in the main creative fields.
The Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT) is Canada’s foremost artist-run production and education organization dedicated to celebrating excellence in the moving image. LIFT exists to provide support and encouragement for independent filmmakers and artists through affordable access to production, post-production and exhibition equipment; professional and creative development; workshops and courses; commissioning and exhibitions; artist-residencies; and a variety of other services. LIFT is supported by its membership, Canada Council for the Arts, Ontario Arts Council, Ontario Trillium Foundation, Ontario Arts Foundation, the Government of Ontario and the Toronto Arts Council.
For additional information please see or e-mail LIFT Executive Director Chris Kennedy at
Tuesday 6 September 2022 – Sunday 16 October 2022
Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT)
1137 Dupont Street
Toronto Ontario Canada